If you’ve got the keys to the sweet shop, why stick to the Crunchies?
There are so many ways that small and local businesses can market themselves these days. Sure, social media plays a huge part in that, it’s free to post and quick to execute but that isn’t the only way to promote what you do.
Here are just a few other ideas to consider:
Billboard or Out of Home advertising
It’s actually not as expensive as you think, especially if you choose a digital billboard option. There are of course factors to consider which will make the price vary in cost like time of day, location etc.
It doesn’t have to just be billboards either, you could wrap a taxi for example or feature on the side of a bus at a tube station.
Banner advertising
Why not snap up some advertising space on a local news website and place your banner on it for a limited time? It’s a captive audience and puts you right in the front of people’s minds.
Email marketing
If you’re lucky enough to have a database of customers already, try sending an HTML email communication to them. It’s an urban myth that email marketing is dead, it still continues to stand out as an effective way to market almost any product through any industry.
REMEMBER - You must ask the recipient to opt-in to receive communications from you first to make sure you comply with GDPR Regulations.
Still an important part of your marketing efforts although can still be a little pricey depending on the quality of finish you go for. However, it’s tangible, credible, it establishes your brand and helps you reach your target market.
Branded merchandise
You’ll be amazed at the sort of things your logo can be printed on nowadays. The possibilities are almost endless! People love a free gift, just make sure that your gift is relevant and can tie back to your company.
If any of these options pique your interest, drop us a line using the form below and we’ll be happy to discuss some options with you.